The Turf is Always Greener….

January 22, 2012 § 1 Comment

1st and Green Logo

So unfortunately for many New Yorkers, myself included, it was decided a while ago that good ole’ Gang Green wouldn’t be playing in this year’s Super Bowl. However, there will be plenty of green at Super Bowl XLVI. The Indianapolis Host Committee has created an initiative called “1st and Green,” which is aimed at encouraging households and other organizations to create sustainable habits through lighthearted competition. The site first asks you for some basic information, and then can tell you how much water you use and CO2 you produce weekly.

The competition then looks for your household to do things such as:

  • Planting trees to offset CO2 Emissions
  • Taking alternative forms of transportation, i.e. carpooling, walking, biking, taking public transportation, or even teleworking
  • Using reusable water bottles and shopping bags
  • Taking shorter showers and turning off the water while brushing your teeth to save water

The site can then tell you how much you have reduced your waste, and how much closer they committee and pledgees are to offsetting the impact of this year’s Super Bowl

But that’s not all they’re doing. The organization is also collecting prepared food from Super Bowl-related events to remake and reserve to less fortunate members of the community. There is also a group of high school seniors  known as the “Green Corps,” who are featured on the website for not only helping this initiative, but for doing a ton of other sustainability work around the state.

The site also includes sustainable tips and tricks, as well as links to research and other resources for those looking to know more.

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§ One Response to The Turf is Always Greener….

  • […] Save Energy. Turn down the heat during your party. When you mix body heat from the crowd that has invaded your home,with jumping and cheering for a favorite team and sweating nervously while you pray the kicker doesn’t pull a Cundiff, douse it in plenty of beer and top it off with just a hint of hot sauce, there’s a pretty good chance that no one will really mind having the thermostat set a few degrees lower. Want more information on Super Bowl sustainability efforts? Check out this post. […]

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